100 Things To Do

This post is my most exciting so far because I am able to imagine ALL the things I would like to see, do and experience. I can picture each bucket-list as I type them down and wonder how wonderful it would be to experience such beauty, eat delicate foods, become something or someone, view things that I don't see everyday and to step out of my comfort zone. I challenge myself and you all to write down your dreams of things you would like to do it could be a list of things before you reach a particular age or to make a difference in someones life. Below are a list of things I would love to experience during my time here on this beautiful earth; some simple and others extreme but overall keeping a list assists us to look at life with a purpose it also helps us to reach dreams that not many get to experience. If you are a blogger or not, write or type down your 'things to do' list and as you complete each one, take a photo of it and post it on Instagram, Facebook, Blog site or video it so to remind you that nothing is impossible. Along with my list of 'things to do' I have decided to add in images of my experiences or  goals beside it as a visual of what I have completed. Lists can vary in numbers/length, I have decided to do 100 but 50 or 20 is fine too, remember not to fill up everything because you never know when you will add to your list in the future.
  1. Land a dream job
  2. Take photo's in a park during autumn
  3. Become part of a church
  4. Pay off debts
  5. Donate 100,000 grains of rice on Free Rice
  6. Do 20 random acts of kindness
  7. Bury a time capsule
  8. Go on a road trip
  9. Eat at one of the world's best restaurants
  10. Feed a homeless person
  11. Learn to make sushi
  12. Attend a music concert
  13. Dance in the rain
  14. Experience a white Christmas
  15. Be part of a TV show audience
  16. Live healthy
  17. Learn to forgive and let go of grudges
  18. Watch the Sunset
  19. Participate in a walkathon
  20. Travel NZ
  21. Go on a hot air balloon ride
  22. Ride on a Gondola
  23. Set up my own webpage
  24. Help a stranger cross something off their list
  25. Pay for someone's groceries
  26. Pay a strangers bill
  27. Prepare a care package for the homeless
  28. Graduate with a Masters Degree
  29. Volunteer for a good cause
  30. Volunteer abroad
  31. Make a difference in someones life
  32. Sleep under the stars
  33. Teach someone illiterate to read
  34. Read the Bible Book
  35. Leave a note with money in a public space
  36. Decor a whole bedroom
  37. Donate to charity
  38. Send a message in a bottle
  39. Travel somewhere new every year
  40. Participate in a protest
  41. Stay the night in a luxury hotel
  42. Visit Disney World
  43. Meet someone famous
  44. Undertake meditation
  45. Attend a massive fair
  46. Learn to pray the Rosary
  47. Visit Japan
  48. Live a simple life without hoarding
  49. Complete the 365-day photo challenge
  50. Go camping
  51. Learn to use Chop Sticks properly
  52. Get into the habit of saving money
  53. Learn martial arts
  54. Go skiing
  55. Play with snow
  56. Fly first class
  57. Set foot on all 7 of the continents
  58. Run my hands in the waters of the Dead Sea
  59. Visit Christ The King statue in Poland
  60. Attend mass at the Vatican City in Rome, Italy
  61. Visit the Colosseum in Rome, Italy
  62. Visit Santorini, Parthenon and the Acropolis in Athens, Greece
  63. Visit Effiel Tower and add a lock onto the Pont Des Arts bridge in Paris, France
  64. Eat Pizza & Pasta dishes in Italy
  65. Start YouTube Channel Michells Diaries Official YouTube Channel
  66. Run my own successful blog/website

For Images and full effects of this list of mine  Click here


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